Crystal North Star Dainty Circle Pendant Necklace (GOLD, SILVER OR ROSE GOLD)

Luck, protection, direction, guidance and security. In the past sailors used the compass as symbol to protect them on their journey and ensure a safe return. The North Star has been used as a navigational guide since the beginning of time.

Suspended from a dainty sterling or gold 16" chain, a 1/2" in diameter brushed metal circle pendant has an outline of the North Star made of sparkling crystal.

One of my current faves, the Crystal North Star Dainty Circle Pendant Necklace is such a great necklace to layer with other dainty necklaces.

Available in silver, gold or rose gold, this necklace is also made with an additional 2" chain extender to ensure you find just the right fit.

As always, this necklace and all of the jewelry we create is made with hypoallergenic and nickel free metal.

Collections: NECKLACES

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