I've combined my love for working with flowers and creating remembrance accessories with permanent jewelry to create a unique way to cherish memories. 

Using flowers from the service of a loved one or a special occasion, we will make a  charm that serves as the focal point of this permanent bracelet.

This is such a meaningful keepsake you can wear forever!

With dozens of chains to choose from, this sentimental permanent remembrance will truly be one of a kind. 

This is for customers located in Cincinnati and surrounding areas

1. Order the remembrance charm you'd like. Click here to order your charm.
  • Silver 6mm in size
  • Silver 8mm in size
  • Gold 6mm in size
  • Gold 8mm in size

2. Select the base color you prefer, which is the color behind the flowers. There is a chart below to reference. 

3. Similar to the process of ordering traditional remembrance accessories, I will follow up with an email for instructions to drop off the flower petals or mail them, ask for the base color you prefer  as well as schedule your permanent jewelry appointment.

4. I will create the remembrance piece (the turn-around time is just several days if not less).

5.  Then in-studio, select the chain you'd like the remembrance piece attached to!

My in-home studio is located on the westside of Cincinnati - just a little over a mile from the I-74 / Harrison Ave. exit.

The remembrance charm will need to be purchased prior to your appointment. 
You can order is by clicking here.

Click here to find more general information about permanent jewelry

For questions, please email:

Here are the different chains options to pair with your remembrance charm: 

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