Custom Mixed Metal Heart Necklace

This necklace - so simple yet so cute!

Customize the necklace exactly as you'd like it. First choose the metal finish you'd like for the chain (rose gold, gold or silver), then you choose how many hearts you'd like and what metal finish for each. They can represent children, grandchildren or really any type of family! 

The Custom Mixed Metal Heart Necklaces are made with 16" dainty chain with an additional 2" chain extender to ensure you find the perfect fit.

And as always, this necklace and all of the jewelry we create is made using hypoallergenic and nickel-free metal. 

When checking out, please include the following information in the notes section: 

  • How many hearts you'd like (up to six)

  • What metal finish you'd like for each heart (rose gold, gold or silver) 

  • The order of the hearts. I.E: 4 Hearts (Rose Gold, Gold, Silver, Rose Gold) 

  • Also, you can have more than six hearts on one necklace, but there is an additional small $2 charge for each heart after six

Please feel free to reach out by clicking here if you have any questions! 


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